Saturday, October 31, 2020

A small update incoming! Today or tomorrow, more than likely tomorrow for Devil's Night!

 Hi all, its been a bit huh?

No blaming the game this time, I have just been too dang busy for trying to create. Which, honestly, has left me a shadow of my former self. I NEED to create. I love doing it way too much.

That being said, I am in the process of creating a new computer just for rendering. I might put a game or two on it, but its meant for rendering only, so I doubt that. I have a gaming system, and now my machinations and insane scribblings need a creation station. I hope to have it by February of next year.

But I digress. I will be posting a small comic with the Society girls (Anezka, Elena, and the rest) and maybe something else soon. Don't expect much, but it will be something at least.

Afterward, it might take me a bit but I am still working on that game. Also, I hope to get the new comic pages soon enough. I might have to remind Palcomix that I sent them money, but... Soon(TM).

Until then, happy Devils Night Halloween! I hope all of you are staying safe!