The Carnal Kingdom blog~

The Carnal Kingdom blog~
"Welcome to the Carnal Kingdom.. where SEX and DEMONS gather..."

Friday, November 30, 2012

Update number one is DONE!

So as I told some fans, the update is small.
Very small.

A few pages small.

But even with this, the update is still not ready... yet.

I finished uploading the main page and the picture pages of the Demonesses and Etona recently.
So if you want to take a quick peek, go there plez. :)

But if you want, I am currently working on the Black Lotus page right now... its just... time consuming and I am kinda tired.

I plan on having it uploaded before I got out tomorrow for tabletop RP, so expect it to be up before 8am.
But for now, enjoy it, and there is tons more... TONS more... to come.

So... yea... the assassin site is quite.. um... not done. Its not that it is hard to do. I just am unable to do it fully within the hour that I got up before RP. haha.. >_>

However! I will be working all day to make sure it is added to the site. ;)
Until then. I will update this again when it is done!

So I am done for now, the Assassin page is completely updated. I am home, steadily trying to write Valkyrja and its taking forever, but I expect this chapter to be done in a week. I also need people to comment on the Black Lotus site, to suggest if I should do something else with it or not. Otherwise, I am going to update the Valkryja portion, as well as something very special in a week or two before the main update on the 21st.

I look forward to your comments, Thanks for all of your support!

 - M.

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Time for a little update.

So normally I post here to keep everyone updated and that was what I wanted to do weeks ago. :(
Guess what? Didn't work out like I wanted to.
Normally, the site's updates aren't done due to mundane things or a problem I am having.

Never before, as far back as I can remember, has one thing kept me from updating so badly.
Remember this picture?

I have updated the colors to make it more vibrant and attempted to sharpen the edges. This is perfect because now I know I can make the pictures even better if I photoshop buff them up a bit.

Well, I give you, the finished bane of my existence:

This picture has 5 characters, two new plus the three from the main story. This picture took me 3 weeks to do, because of having to WORK, as well as minimal computer specs. It makes me realize it is time to upgrade before I make Reptile. I will be doing so early next year.

 If the scene is confusing I am sorry. I am going to post Valkyrja 11 with this picture and a few others soon. But also, this was a giant eye opener. I am definitely having trouble with my 3d work. I hope that a computer update will happen soon.

Now, I admit. My Valkryja art has ALWAYS been sexual. Maybe one or two are not, but I doubt it.

I was supposed to add clean 3d art to the site a couple weeks ago... that didn't happen. In fact, a lot of things didn't happen, including an Devil's Night exclusive I was working on.

I am still planning that story, as well as the clean pictures. If the update goes into December, this is why. Until then, expect the Yoko picture plus others of her and a complete Black Lotus Petal overhaul. I hope you enjoy it!
Good things come to those who wait right? right... >_>

 -  M.
P.S.: Emails haven't gone out again like I wanted. I always make excuses but believe me, this picture was frustrating. Hope to talk to you ALL soon!

Friday, November 2, 2012

And now for something completely different...

No, the Yoko picture is not done yet. Should be soon tho.
Just wanted to share these images. Its from Disgaea: Dimensions 2, which is a direct sequel to Disgaea: Hour of Darkness. Take a look! New Etna look, this time with no miniskirt. So does this mean she is wearing a bikini of sorts? And look at those shoes.. she should put on some heels hehe.

 Oh, I like my recent Etna's outfit better. Still pretty loli tho, which is awesome. Here is more:

And you can get the scoop here:
Disgaea: Dimensions 2


 - M.