The Carnal Kingdom blog~

The Carnal Kingdom blog~
"Welcome to the Carnal Kingdom.. where SEX and DEMONS gather..."

Monday, November 28, 2016

micro update coming, new comic pages immenent!

Hello there! I have new comic pages coming to all you, as a first of many (hopefully) micro updates to keep the site pounding (ass?)!

I hope this format is good for all of you. More to come as I get it and create it!

Saturday, November 12, 2016

Updated the site! New micro updates coming regularly (hopefully)!

So lets try to change the way things are done.
I will be doing micro updates from now on to keep the content flowing.
I hope to post things near weekly in order to give you all content, and I explain why on the site.
Please go to the site to see the new content, and I thank all of you for your support!

Sunday, November 6, 2016

Devil's Night has ended, but we continue!

Hello there!

So I did my best to finish this game. It was hard to do, considering my life, and it wound up being half done. So this is what I am going to do.

I will devote my time to this game up until a week before December. I will be still working on "The Carnal Kingdom: Creed" as well, because I am DEFINITELY bringing that game out.

If all goes well, the Devil's Night game will come out in  1 - 2 weeks, and then we can work on bringing out Creed.

We'll see how everything goes.

However, we do need to bring out other things.

I have more slave girls to present, including the what-ifs, and I will be posting them into the new year. The next girl by the artist Tenzen is Sakura, seen below:

and we will see about the what-ifs. I do hope everyone is enjoying this series. I have a story to go with this, it is just taking a bit to get done.

Also, we have to post a Southern Demon Mysteries story this year as well. Almost forgot about it.

Finally, 4 more comic pages are coming. Expect them soon enough. Not many more pages now.

I look forward to everything, and I hope you do too! Main page will be going back to normal tomorrow. Thanks for visiting! :)

 - M.