The Carnal Kingdom blog~

The Carnal Kingdom blog~
"Welcome to the Carnal Kingdom.. where SEX and DEMONS gather..."

Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Site updated!

Site is updated. Now, on to completing the "O Death" comic!

    - M

Yes I am late again (grumble grumble)

I literally can not wait until I can work on this beautiful project more. But unfortunately the money maker (my job) forced me to pay attention to it more yesterday (like I should, right?)

Its coming today. Just waiting for the editor to take a peek and then it'll be on the site. Also have another image treat for everyone. Hope you enjoy it!

 - M

Sunday, April 2, 2017

Keeping up with weekly updates and good content is sometimes hard...

Hello everyone!

So the noble comic image set is almost done, but as per usual Sundays are not good for me. I am busy all day and because of it I can not get done what I need to get done. So unfortunately I obviously missed my Wednesday date, but this should be done by tomorrow evening.

Here are two images that need editing but are in the beginning of the story.

From here, we'll move to finishing up "O Death". If it takes more then one week I will let you know, but I'll push for next Sunday with that one.

After "O Death" is complete then I will seriously work hard to push the Devil's Night game out. And after that, the next big release is "Creed", which will have a bigger production then the Devil's Night game. We'll see how it all turns out.

This summer is the summer of our anniversary. I am really planning on doing well for everyone and presenting us to the world. Let's see what happens!

 - M