The Carnal Kingdom blog~

The Carnal Kingdom blog~
"Welcome to the Carnal Kingdom.. where SEX and DEMONS gather..."

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Drop it like its hot! Update happened!

All done! .... well, relatively yesterday, but just posting after I checked some things first.
Enjoy it, let me know if the site has any problems, will ya?

 - M.


  1. Just Dropping By to hope the update's coming along and I'm proud of what are you doing that is well for the update and It's improving alot! plus, I'm making plans to do something like create more weapon pics for the series and stuff and I was wondering of how did you like the new attacks of Lovestar and the weapons pic and did you read the description? I wanted her to be a destructive fighter who uses alot of Ki energy blasts and most martial arts as a combo and I decided that the Roaring Dragon Fist is suited as her main finishing attack besides the White Tiger Qigong. I hoped to see some more of the stories when the update comes (due to my obsession with fantasy theme.) I was thinking of making armor too for the Kingdom's soldies via sketch I hope it comes along too!

  2. Got a small break, so let's see...

    -Nice images for the Circles' page.

    -Kurai flash is not working. Points to a broken link.

    -Neat Etona images.

    -I felt that Valkyria 10 wasn't your strongest piece, but it was alright. There was a lot going on and sometimes it was a little hard to follow because of all the perspectives, but it was nice to have some character development. I feel like the title is misleading though. For a 'Declaration of War', you'd think that there'd be more conflict and suspense, like the girls having to go into hiding and avoid a lot of contact, but instead, they throw a house party.

    -Fire Festival sounds interesting, and it seems like this universe is set within a D&D-esque multiverse, or at least a multiverse where the D&D abyss is a part of it. The background and text colors really clash though.

    Hmm, carnal lilies and alraunes? Can't say I heard much about the Carnal flora in this universe.

    - The recent pages weren't bad. I kinda wish the wind effects had a bigger emphasis, but it's all good.

    - Holy shit, these Reptile images are good. They're much higher quality than the previous year or so.

  3. BTW, I forgot to tell you that Lovestar's real name is Lovestar Hikaru(Means Light in Japanese) and I was wondering if you might in your series choose her as the chosen one by heaven by chance (if Celestia has one!)..I'm not doing hentai anymore but, I decided to draw some clean artwork of your OC Stigma with her scythe That! I plan to draw soon...

  4. Hey folks whats new?
    I plan on emailing and posting for real, really soon.
    I am currently going through some really big things and it is distracting me... completely.
    All of your posts are appreciated and I will send you information pronto.

    Thanks for the comments and I look forward to chatting with you personally soon!
    - M.
