The Carnal Kingdom blog~

The Carnal Kingdom blog~
"Welcome to the Carnal Kingdom.. where SEX and DEMONS gather..."

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Happy Devil's Night!

2012! Time for the Devil's Night!
Site is updated, hope you can enjoy it!

 - M.


  1. Glad to see the update's up and about. I took a cursory look at things and just as a note:

    -You might want to update the description for Elena's short in the library. Current one matches Yoko's origin story.

    -The updates at the very bottom of the page are still set for the October update.

  2. Thanks for the information, will change it before I leave today! :)

    - M.

  3. All done! If anyone sees anything else let me know please! :D

    - M,

  4. It seems well accorsingly as I have scanned through the images as well! I'm really am impressed at the pics sepically the snake woman type..Accordingly, I haven't tried but I'll try to an CK story I haven't done to begin with..It seems that it'll be more but I'm looking forward to the details about the Black Lotus Pedals and much to see if they're a highly dangerous team (especially Alice).. BTW, I have made a appropiate clothing for Lovestar during the month and plus her weapon she uses: her Fighting gloves: Lovestar Hikaru (New Clothing) pic:
    Hikaru's weapon:
    It seems like it'll be easy to believed since I'm still trying to create the CK story I'm working on.. Happy Late Halloween (Devil's Night) anyway..
    BTW, I'm looking forward to the info you're trying to give since I'm still making plans...

  5. Hey my friend whats new. I'll go check out your pictures now, and yes I will be working all month starting this week to get a great update done, as well as stories and everything. This will be a pretty busy month for me site wise, as I really want to explain the Black Lotus Petals in complete detail. :D Look forward to it! Take your time with anything, I will love to see it!

    - M,
