Yes, I missed updating but I am doing my best to make as many images for "O Death" that I can. I plan on updating no later than Sunday but I can't promise of course. I should have a sufficient amount of images by Saturday afternoon to hopefully give 4 pages worth, and then I will be posting that Sunday. We'll see how it all goes!!
Just wanted to keep everyone updated!
- M
Thanks for that, at least Sunday will do and this weekend..
ReplyDeleteI have 5 questions for you for now:
1. I have seen alot of demons in Horror Movies..
But, How do Demons have in their arsenal?
I can tell they have many bags of tricks but unlike the way they can do anything to win an battle against an human being or mortals even cheat to avoid their deaths..
But can they go up against an angel who is that strong? I heard Demons are dark elemental but yet, since they're Dark and they are Chaotic Evil due to the Bestary of the D&D Universe..
I heard Lawful and Good is the Demon's Natural Weakness..
But, can an Normal Human being who is pure of heart and has an Holy Avenger in his hand try to slay an demon if he's an Paladain or Arch-Paladin?
2.Judging from the battle between Hikaru and The Prince on my readings of Redemption but, Is it possible that when you do future Comics for Palcomix, May I by chance try to help you with the storyline? I was planning on making an Scenario separately for your OCs and my OCs but our both Storylines? I was planning an Scenario for Kiko since I can tell in the final chapters of Redemption that he's well put for an Protagonist but either an Main or Seceondary one?
3. I can tell you're an huge fan of D&D but, I was wondering, have you not heard of the Monk Class before? I heard their skills are great but I wonder throughout the editions (1-5) are his attacks are inspired by Dragon Ball and other Fighting/Martial Arts Anime/Manga? I can tell from reading the recent CK Comic on Palcomix when one scene Kiko blasts his Aura wave to destroy the soldiers which Interrupted ol' Isadora's Sex Session after seducing the Knights...
4. Wonder if the Carnal Kingdom have many legendary and historic weapons that are in comparison to Real Life's legendary weapons (Excalibur, Masamune, Muramasa, Kusanagi Sword, Guan Yu's Crescent Green Dragon Sabre, Lu Bu's Heaven Piercer Halberd and Zhang Fei's Snake Spear *Refrences to Dynasty Warriors and Romance of the Three Kingdoms id you have read them before..) How Powerful are they? and how will an demon warrior can contend with such an great weapon if found?
5. Wonder if you have found the models for your new Ideas for the Slave Girl series? Not being Impatient or such and also, do you by chance have furure plans once Redemption is completed? I was GOING to make my page but (due to art style expermentations that took so DAMN long!!!) It's going to be an long time but, hopefully at the end of this year I'll try to get it done..
Plus, I'm going to for you, Introduce you to the Celestial Dragons and the Zeechi Race since they're both might play an role in my stories one day...
plus, On my plans, I'm going to add factions based on the D&D Alignment System for example, Lawful is Izanagi Good is Tenshi, Chaotic is Orochi, Evil is Akuma but the Neutral are Ningen-Do and plus, I'm trying to add branches such as Devas, Ashuras, Indras, Khrishnas, Rakashas, and finally Buddhas which might be converted into the Tiers of the Character Branches but it will happen one day once I get everything done and ready..
(BTW, If you have heard of Hindu Mythology, The names of the branches are based on deities and entities..)
------Bahamut, King of the Dragons----
Hello my friend. I plan on emailing you for this tomorrow morning. Sorry about the wait, thank you!
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Now that the site is updated, I will see about answering this tonight in an email my friend. Again, sorry about the wait!
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