The Carnal Kingdom blog~

The Carnal Kingdom blog~
"Welcome to the Carnal Kingdom.. where SEX and DEMONS gather..."

Friday, August 3, 2012

Routed from FACEBOOK! The site is up right now!

So I was worried to update the site's link directly on facebook. I has controversy written all over it, but its all just art, right?
WRONG, not to everybody.
The sites link is here:

Now with no need for warning or main or anything on it!

So the page is still being updated. It will take a week or two for every picture on every gallery to be updated. But I also plan on adding to the Fire Festival. I was proud of myself (pats back) because I came up with a good fourth holiday; There is the "Jubilee of Dark Pleasures", the "Beltane Festival", "Devil's Night" and now we have a "Summer Fire Festival". I love it, the world becomes more beautiful because of this.

So a great fan and very good friend of mine asked about flowers. Will work with him to make the flora of the kingdom as well, and possibly add it on the details page. :) Possibly not, possibly in the characters page.

If you guys find many links that SHOULD be edited and are not then let me know. I will edit them accordingly. Like I know the Yoko page is down. I think the Nefesetairi page too. So I will be updating those in the next two days. Sorry until then!

Look forward to more soon. I am all for updating this site! Oh, and the frames are down too. Sux.


  1. Alright, site's back!

    With the exception of what's missing, it looks pretty good. I like the Circles list you put up and it provides some nice insights on the spells, and I think some of these are pretty neat. Granted, I DO feel that some are grossly powerful, but this is a multi-verse full of beings stronger than the mundane, so I'm all for it.

    The fire festival is an interesting festival, and I think it's a good fit too.

    As for things I noticed,

    -There's still a giant text problem on the Society page.
    -That link for the flash isn't working.

    Other than that though, everything seems fairly sound. Take it easy!

    1. Sweet. I am glad everything is working well.
      Expect an email soon Rosmur, have some stuff for you.

      Sad to see no one else posting but you, but this is just an update notification site, so its all good.

      I am currently busy with getting certain things done. Expect more soon and a fresh post in a day or two. :)

      - M.
      P.S.: How is the society page still big?! grrr... I gotta figure this out.

  2. least the sit's back on and I have been doing some devopment as I Bahamut, is doing right now..nothing personal, I'm doing well...I'm HOPING my Damndest to draw one of your demon girls but there so much lack of privacy and thoughts but I'll give it a try.. I was just wondering in your free time how's the Lovestar pic doing?

    1. Heh heh, good to see you again, Bahamut. Hope you've been doing alright!

    2. Things are back up and actually I will be updating tomorrow or so with a lot of the galleries. I plan on having them all up for everyone to see again.
      A few pages need work so but the full site should be up and running soon.
      I still have Lovestar in mind. Especially with all the new 3D programs I have. She is coming, trust me.
      Also, take your time with my demon girls. No need to rush. I will love to see it! - M.

    3. I have drawn something toady since I have something for you for the main page :

  3. I'm been doing fine and so my personal stuff..I'm creating a style of drawings so far...
