Hello Carnalites! :)
I wanted to post this a while back but things have been hectic. As I might or might not have said, the comic has been updated. It is on Palcomix, but if you want here they are:
Doesn't Elena look cute as everything? And the three bad girls look rather funny. I personally think the artists of Palcomix did wonders with just two pages. I want to do more then two again, but I can't; not yet. Two to come, and then after I move to a better house I'll finish the comic up.
I also have great news, I have the next comics' script written up. Its a short one but focuses on Etona's thoughts, and I think it will be a good one. It also has lots of Sex, so be warned! hehe. But then again, this is the Carnal Kingdom right?
Also, the site will be up soon. I've been having a HORRIBLE time trying to bring this site up with my computer's memory having severe problems. It never did this before but now everything is running out of memory. Many problems are arising with this, and I guess I'll just upgrade to 64-bit as soon as I can. :O
I will be ready soon to update. I move next week and just need to settle in. I'll keep in touch then. :)
Until later!
- M.
No worries! I will be waiting for the update as always and since you mentioned about the comic..about Etona's thoughts..it's very good..I have great news for you anyway! I have the Original Lovestar here for the last chapter of the comic(and prefreably the other requests you owe me.) right here for you! : http://www.furaffinity.net/view/9844086/
ReplyDeleteI have a few pics of her too: http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=34557757
I have decided a sword might add on to it too! : http://www.furaffinity.net/view/9738707/ (Great isn't it? I thought she would be much better with a sword at least we're talking about a Wuxia Monk/ Paladin Combination like a mix between Martial Artist and a Paladin to begin with..since it's useful for the last chapter of the comic. like she deliver powerful kicks while she attacks with the sword as more kicking and punching than attacking with the sword..) And than finally, Her Archangel form to spice up her appearance on the comic: http://www.furaffinity.net/view/10179148/
Something to do the fun of it all..
I'm right now can tell that your computer needs to be updated twice like put it on manual of which time you want it to be updated and after many tries I think your computer might do the job and working if any more problems, than try it: http://www.ehow.com/how_4906287_increase-computer-memory.html and see. these are the strategies I done if not, than..hire a computer technician if you have any money (due to expensiveness).. that's all you'll need in order to save memory.. I'll look forward to the next comic of Etona's thoughts and the site update since I'm still waiting patiently on the Lovestar images and plus I wanted it the way she looks on the pic of her original form I just showed you...that might statifies you well with all the instructions you need..
---Bahamut, King of the Dragons----
BTW, Here's another Original Lovestar pic for you: http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=34582669
ReplyDeleteSorry if pestered, this is the last pic I drew..it involves Lovestar armed with the star Dragon Divine Sword..: http://www.furaffinity.net/view/10238498/
ReplyDeleteJust updated Lovestar with some equipent on her refrence sheet something to add to the comic (Note: Let this be the last time I post another and I do not want to spam anyone by accident) : http://www.furaffinity.net/view/10262116/
ReplyDeleteWell, I see someone's really excited about this news post.
ReplyDeleteI'm kinda surprised that you have a 32-bit system. Considering your art projects, I would have expected a 64-bit system to run those effectively. Nonetheless, I hope the replacement/upgrade is good.
The new pages are good and wow, you're right, they did a pretty good job with Elena. Kinda curious about your new script too and while I'm all for just a simple piece, I'm still curious what plot developments you have in mind, if any.
Still busy as all hell on my end. Sorry to hear about those problems and hope they turn out alright! Take it easy!
Just Updated Lovestar's Refrence Sheet I hoped you try this one for the comic and stories and such: http://manwithoutwings19.deviantart.com/art/Lovestar-Hikaru-New-Style-352314425?ga_submit_new=10%253A1364935019&ga_type=edit&ga_changes=1
ReplyDeleteI hoped the last time I try to post this as I'm thrying not to post too much..
Wow Bahamut you are awesome. :) No really, I see you update a lot more then me right now and all of them are really good! Right now I can not check everything but I will check them soon! Just getting back into the swing of things.
ReplyDeleteOh, and Rosmur, you're words are appreciated as well. I was so happy to see Elena that way. I think if they keep up the good work, we'll have more fans!
I am updating to 64 bits soon. Hopefully this month, depends on what happens next. Hopefully in the coming week! :D
You're welcome. How's the next Valkyria doing btw?
DeleteOn a similar note, I think you might find this interesting.
Good luck!
Just wondering if you have checked out all of the pics I sent you and stuff about Lovestar as part of your ideas?...
ReplyDeleteand I'm thinking about Lovestar WITHOUT the fighting gloves but her bare hands..but, I'll show you the pic soon as another update on her reference sheet..and so..
Yes I saw them! As always, very detailed and awesome. :) TY!