The Carnal Kingdom blog~

The Carnal Kingdom blog~
"Welcome to the Carnal Kingdom.. where SEX and DEMONS gather..."

Saturday, June 30, 2012

A handful pictures to show you!

Second Post adds pictures!
These will both be going onto the site as soon as we have a chance.
The first is created by SpacePirateLord. He is a good artist and I love his art. I have a futa version as well... I think you'll like what is coming up.

The second and third picture is a picture I did. It is of Yoko, the Demon Queen. One is on her throne and the other is in the bed with her Nefesetairi Shota boy. hope you like. The final picture is of Stigma and Gabriela. There are more to come of these pictures. I hope you will enjoy them!


  1. Not bad at all. The Yoko pics look pretty well-done and an improvement in comparison to the previous incarnations. Liking the last piece with Stigma and Gabriela as well, though never expected Gabriela to be holding a warhammer.

    Meanwhile, for the 3rd pic, can you say 'Ouch'?

  2. hehe yea that's considered rough play. Yoko doesn't treat her shota all that nicely, but does at the same time. :O
    - M.
