The Carnal Kingdom blog~

The Carnal Kingdom blog~
"Welcome to the Carnal Kingdom.. where SEX and DEMONS gather..."

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Time for a little update.

So normally I post here to keep everyone updated and that was what I wanted to do weeks ago. :(
Guess what? Didn't work out like I wanted to.
Normally, the site's updates aren't done due to mundane things or a problem I am having.

Never before, as far back as I can remember, has one thing kept me from updating so badly.
Remember this picture?

I have updated the colors to make it more vibrant and attempted to sharpen the edges. This is perfect because now I know I can make the pictures even better if I photoshop buff them up a bit.

Well, I give you, the finished bane of my existence:

This picture has 5 characters, two new plus the three from the main story. This picture took me 3 weeks to do, because of having to WORK, as well as minimal computer specs. It makes me realize it is time to upgrade before I make Reptile. I will be doing so early next year.

 If the scene is confusing I am sorry. I am going to post Valkyrja 11 with this picture and a few others soon. But also, this was a giant eye opener. I am definitely having trouble with my 3d work. I hope that a computer update will happen soon.

Now, I admit. My Valkryja art has ALWAYS been sexual. Maybe one or two are not, but I doubt it.

I was supposed to add clean 3d art to the site a couple weeks ago... that didn't happen. In fact, a lot of things didn't happen, including an Devil's Night exclusive I was working on.

I am still planning that story, as well as the clean pictures. If the update goes into December, this is why. Until then, expect the Yoko picture plus others of her and a complete Black Lotus Petal overhaul. I hope you enjoy it!
Good things come to those who wait right? right... >_>

 -  M.
P.S.: Emails haven't gone out again like I wanted. I always make excuses but believe me, this picture was frustrating. Hope to talk to you ALL soon!


  1. seems it took you one HELL of hours and stuff to get it done as you wanted it to and such as things aren't easy since the 3d pics aren't doing well. I hope the updates make the 3d work much better since it's possible that you'll have either hard or easy time doing it since I too am concerned about the pics I'm doing since it's time consuming but in your computer's case, I hope it goes out well since the whole thing of the 3d pics might be either a issue or something else BTW, Do you ever update your computer well? it might do better than usual!
    P.S. I haven't completed Lovestar's story yet due to me drawing some gifts for my people back at Furaffinity and I have a new character that might be suitable for the CK comic or/and stories and Her name is Holly since If only I email you her story but she's the strongest but not powerful like her master Lovestar here. Holly's Pic :
    I hope to finish her story soon before I do Holly's !

    1. Look forward to seeing the stories mate. :)
      You do such creative work, I love it!
      Thanks for posting, and yes, it took a HELL load of hours.
      I hope to rectify this in the future. D:

      Provided my computer can handle 64 bit system.

      - M.
